Representation of the People Act, 1951: s.100(1)(b) r/w
s.123(2)(ii) and (4) - Election petition - On the ground that
publication, announcement and speeches in relation to
personal character and conduct of petitioner, amounted to
commission of corrupt practices - High Court dismissed
election petition - Held: There was no reliable evidence to
show that the printing and distribution of alleged publication
was with the consent of returned candidate or his election
agent - The speeches, songs and announcements were
recorded using other instruments and by feeding them into
the computer - CD were made therefrom which were
produced in court, without due certification. - Those CDs were
not admissible in evidence since the mandatory requirements
of s.658 of Evidence Act were not satisfied - There was
missing link in chain of circumstances to lead to a reasonable
inference on consent by returned candidate with regard to
printing - Election petition was rightly dismissed - Evidence
Act, 1872 - s. 658.
Evidence Act, 1872: s.658 - Admissibility of electronic
record - Held: An electronic record by way of secondary
evidence shall not be admitted in evidence unless the
requirements u/s. 658 are satisfied - Thus, in the case of CD,
VCD, chip, etc., the same should be accompanied by the
certificate in terms of s. 658 obtained at the time of taking the
document, without which, the secondary evidence pertaining to that electronic record, is inadmissible - Information
Technology Act, 2000.