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The Official Law Report Fortnightly ISSN: 3048-4839 (Online)
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SCR Citation: [2002] 1 S.C.R. 636
Year/Volume: 2002/ Volume 1
Date of Judgment: 29 January 2002
Petitioner: G.N. NAYAK
Disposal Nature: Appeal Allowed
Neutral Citation: 2002 INSC 52
Judgment Delivered by: Hon'ble Ms. Justice Ruma Pal
Case Type: CIVIL APPEAL /821/2002
Order/Judgment: Judgment
1. Headnote

Service Law:

Selection-Post of Professor in Marine Science-Minimum and additional qualifications prescribed with experience in teaching and/or research- Inclusion of pre-doctoral research in calculating experience-Amendment in qualifications and constitution of Selection Committee contrary to Statutes- Bias-Method of assessment of candidates by Selection Committee-Allegation of-Held, it is for the University to decide the type of research required for qualification-Plea of amendment in qualifications cannot be raised since interviews were attended by candidates without protest-On facts, there is no violation in constitution of Selection Committee-On facts, no bias-Method of assessment adopted by Selection Committee unanimously, must be respected- Goa University Act, 1984.

In August 1994, respondent-University issued an advertisement for the post of Professor, Marine Science prescribing minimum and additional qualifications. The minimum qualification, stated in two limbs, was as follows:

"An eminent scholar with public work of high quality actively engaged in research with 10 years of experience in post graduate teaching and/or research at the University/National level Institution including experience of guiding research at doctoral level (OR) an outstanding scholar with established reputation with significant contribution to knowledge."

Appellant and respondent 5, who were Readers in Department of Marine Science, applied for the post. Both were called for interview. Meanwhile, respondent 2, who is the Head of the Department, wrote a note to Vice Chancellor and Dean of Faculty of the University for early holding of the interview since the appellant, who was a dedicated and intelligent faculty, had received an appointment letter from another University for a similar post. Respondent 5, who obtained a copy of the note, objected to the participation of respondent 2 and the Dean of the Faculty to the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of the University in Selection Committee apprehending bias in favour of the appellant. Since no reply was forthcoming, respondent 5 filed a Writ Petition before High Court for the same. The Writ Petition was, however, withdrawn. Respondent 2 was not in the Selection Committee. Neither the appellant nor respondent 5 were found suitable for the post.

In October 1995, another advertisement was issued for the post keeping the same minimum qualifications while amending the additional qualifications. A fresh Selection Committee was constituted which included respondent 2. The Committee recommended the appointment of the appellant. Respondent 5 filed another writ petition before the High Court challenging the selection of the appellant. The High Court allowed the Writ Petition and set aside the selection of the appellant. The High Court held that the eligibility criteria had been illegally amended by University contrary to the Statutes of the University; that the appellant was not qualified and did not possess the essential qualifications for the post; that the Selection Committee was not legally constituted; that the selection process was vitiated by bias; and that no proper records were maintained disclosing inter-se grading among the candidates.

In appeal to this Court, the appellant, raising a preliminary objection, contended that respondent 5, after withdrawing the earlier writ petition without liberty to file a fresh application on the same cause of action, cannot be permitted to re-agitate the identical issues again. The appellant held that he fulfils the prescribed minimum qualifications laid down under the first limb if his three-year pre-doctoral research is counted besides his teaching experience.

Respondent 5 contended that the amendment of the qualifications in the second advertisement for the post was illegal since the amendment had neither been prescribed by the executive Council nor recommended by the Academic Council and are contrary to the Statutes framed under the Goa University Act, 1984; and that the Selection Committee was not legally constituted under the Statutes.

2. Case referred
3. Act
      No Data Found!!!!!
4. Keyword
  • Service Law
5. Equivalent citation
    Citation(s) 2002 AIR 790 = 2002 (2) SCC 712 = 2002 (2) Suppl. SCC 712 = 2002 (1) JT 526 = 2002 (1) Suppl. JT 526 = 2002 (1) SCALE 491