Service Law - University - Appointment to the post of Reader - Selection - Writ challenging selection by unsuccessful candidate - High Court setting
aside the selection on the ground that (i) Degree of D. Litt. acquired by
unsuccessful candidate not taken into account (ii) A member of Selection Committee was biased in favour of a candidate selected - Appeal by University - Judgment of High Court set aside.
Locus standi - University - Reader - Appointment of - Selection - Locus
standi of unsuccessful candidate to challenge selection.
University - Appointment to the post of Reader - Candidate acquiring D. Litt. Degree after submitting the application but before interview
date -Held there was nothing wrong in the Selection Committee in not taking this qualification into account.
Bias - University - Reader - Appointment of - Selection Committee - Member - Specific personal interest in the selection of a candidate - Allegation of - Held allegation of bias must be carefully examined before setting aside the selection - Selection should not be set aside unless there is adequate
material indicating strong likelihood of bias - The mere fact that the expert as
well as one of the candidates were members of the same organisation and
connected with the magazine brought out by it held not sufficient to come to
a conclusion that the selector had a specific personal interest in the selection of that candidate.
Bias - Waiver - Selection Committee - Unsuccessful candidate appearing before Selection Committee - No objection taken to the composition of
Selection Committee - Objection taken only after selection--Held this would
amount to waiver of objection.